Over the past 20 years the scientific and technical team at Physalia has undertaken a considerable number of projects worldwide. Our roles in these have included sole investigators as well as partners in multi-disciplinary task forces. Each customer has had their own specific requirements and nearly every project has presented its own unique challenges. This has led to the development of an extensive experience and expertise base which has proved invaluable over the years in tackling new and unusual assignments.
With customers ranging from governments to individuals and from industrial concerns to regulatory bodies, it is almost impossible to generalise about the types of ecological, mathematical and physico-chemical work that we have undertaken in the past and the methods and different approaches that we have used. However, the links on this page will take you to examples of assignments that we have undertaken and we hope that these may serve as a useful guide.
The projects listed include field- and site-based studies, laboratory- and studio-based projects, mathematical analyses, desktop studies and preparation of evidence for use in legal forums. In nearly every case these have involved the preparation of detailed reports, which have gained a reputation in their own right as authoritative documents that provide a wide range of audiences with access to results of our scientific and technical surveys. The reports have the added value that they are in a format that allows abstraction of data, photographs, illustrations and text for use in other outputs. This makes the use of the Physalia materials in presentations, in internal reports, inclusion in environmental performance reports and in communications to regulatory bodies a much simpler and quicker operation. Indeed, one of our customers uses our photographs for the production of their calendars