- Annual marine and estuarine compliance monitoring for industrial wastewater discharges to near- and offshore sites (worldwide since 1980)
- Baseline and pre-development assessments for projects including housing, recreational and industrial developments, river crossings, proposed subtidal marine aggregate dredging sites, marinas and smaller mooring projects, inner city regeneration schemes, road and rail links, tunnelling operations and flood protection schemes
- Prediction and measurements of shading impacts of developments on watercourse systems for UK Environment Agency
- Monitoring and evaluation of ecological effects of oil production facilities in the marine environment
- Assessment of efficacy of biocide treatment programmes in refinery, power station and other industrial plant cooling water systems
- Monitoring of effects of water abstraction during flood and drought periods
- Ecotoxicological risk assessments and bioaccumulation studies of materials present in and/or leaching from contaminated land/legacy sites
- Mapping of changes to outer estuarine sediment transport pathways arising from a barrage development using STA algorithms developed by our own statisticians